Serve at JCFUMC
Bereavement Teams
Contact: Pastor Trevor Dancer
When a loved one passes away, it is the most important time to honor their life and legacy by looking after those loved ones that they left behind.
Green thumbs landscaping team
Contact: Liz Graham Location: Church Exterior Time: April - October, typically meet on Wednesday evenings
Calling all thumbs (green or otherwise!) Join the landscaping team and help us keep our Church grounds looking gorgeous. Email Liz and she will connect you with the team coordinators.
NExtgen volunteer
Contact: Tatenda Garikayi
Our NextGen Children and Youth are always on the move! From devotionals to hayrides, we can always use extra hands with preparations, chaperoning, and enthusiastic participation.
Fresh Start Market
Contact: Tina Taylor Location: Church Office Time: First three Tuesdays of the month from 12pm - 3pm
Fresh Start Market provides low-income families with necessary personal and household items such as soap, shampoo, detergent, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, etc. To learn more, visit the JCFUMC App or call the church office.
FUMC Prayer Team
Contact: Marylin Durk
The prayer team has a longstanding tradition at JCFUMC. As we are encouraged in scripture to pray for one another, we invite you to join in receiving the weekly prayer request e-mail.
You may email Marilyn if you would like to have your own prayer request shared with the team.
You may email Pastor Trevor directly with a request you would like to be kept private.
Circle of friends
Contact: Pastor Steve Buchholz
Circle of Friends is a unique opportunity within our mission to encourage Active Adult Lifestyles for Seniors. This can include everything from help with technology to transportation and home safety modification.
To learn more, visit the Serve section of the JCFUMC App or take the Circle of Friends Skillset Survey.
Worship Hospitality Team
Contact: Liz Graham
Location: FUMC Sanctuary and Lobby
Time: 5pm Saturday; 8:30am and 10am Sunday
The Worship Hospitality Team is responsible for helping to provide a welcoming, warm environment for FUMC members, guests and friends as they enter the building to prepare for worship. Team members greet people at the door and at the Connect desk in the lobby and usher them into their seats in the sanctuary. Anyone who enjoys making people feel welcome is invited to serve on the Worship Hospitality Team.
Media & tech Team
Contact: Jeni Dancer or Paul Laemmli
Time: 5pm Saturdays; 8:30am and 10am Sundays; As Needed
Our Media Ministry team is looking for a few more volunteers to help run slides, video and audio during Weekend Worship services. If you are interested in serving in this way, please contact Jeni Dancer or Paul Laemmli. And, remember... If you can click a mouse, you can serve on the Media Ministry Team!
Panera Bread Pickup
Contact: Dave and Carol Harris
This group serves the church by picking up bread from Panera to package and make available at church on Sunday mornings. Teams of two commit to serving once every three months. Each Saturday a team goes to Panera Bread at about 8:45pm to pick up donated bread. The donations are taken back to church, bagged into packages and left on the bread rack either Saturday night or Sunday morning before 8:15am. Funds donated to the Panera Bread box on Sunday mornings are applied to local benevolence efforts.
Drive the Church Van on Sunday Mornings
Contact: Pastor Trevor Dancer
Our Church van picks up any one who needs a ride for worship at the 8:30am and 10am services on Sundays. We always need extra volunteers!
Communion Servers
Contact: Pastor Kyrell