first connect wednesdays- Through April 16, 2025

Contact:  Trevor Dancer
When: Wednesdays through April 16th (No Meeting 3/26) Time: Dinner at 5:45pm / Small Groups: 6:15pm

First Connect Wednesdays is a great way to get to know your church family by sharing a meal and enjoying small group activities such as Youth Group, Chancel Choir, Children’s Time and more!

contemplative Prayer group

Contact:  Virginia Brizendine 
Location: Zoom
Time: 7:00pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month

This is a time to grow deeper in your practice of prayer with the guidance of our Contemplative Prayer group leader, Virginia Brizendine. All are welcome! Reach out to the church office to receive a Zoom link for the next meeting.

Good Grief Gathering

Contact:  Julie Shiery
Location: Memorial Park or Zoom, depending on weather
Time: 10:00am on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month

The Good Grief Gathering is a safe place to share your grief journey with others who are walking a similar path. Anyone is welcome to attend - please contact Julie or the church office if you have any questions.



Contact:  Sundays - Mikeal Louraine or Tuesdays - Sierra Breeding
Location: Gym
Time: 5:00pm on Sundays & 5:30pm on Tuesdays

Whether you're well-versed in pickleball or you think it would be fun to learn, we invite you to our Pickleball Night every Sunday at 5pm and Tuesday at 5:30pm in the FUMC gym! Invite a friend, and... first come, first "serve!"

Women’s Bible Study

Contact:  Virginia Brizendine 
Location: Zoom
Time: 6:30pm on Tuesdays

The Women’s Bible Study group shares personal stories from the past week, spends time in the Bible, and prays for one another. If you are interested, you may also join the group’s Facebook group page. This Bible study is open to women of all ages. If you think a young girl can participate in a Bible study, she is welcome, no matter her age. If you are looking to connect intimately with women of all ages and study God’s word, this group is perfect for you! 

Men’s group who focus on sermon and scripture from the previous weekend’s worship services.

Monday Morning Men’s Group

Contact:  Jerry Kelly 
Location: Coffee Zone, 130 E. High Street 
Time: Mondays, at approximately 6:30-7:30am  
(if you are there at 6:30, you may be the first one there!) 

This is a small group of men who come together each week to discuss a variety of personal and spiritual topics, but the main focus is the sermon and scripture from the previous weekend’s worship services. The group is diverse and welcomes all men. 

FUMC Book Club

Contact: Carol Harris 573-821-9940
Location: Zoom
Time: First Sunday of the Month at 3:00pm (unless it is a holiday) 

The club reads one book a month; topics range from classics and modern fiction to biography and history. Monthly meetings provide an opportunity to discuss the book, share ideas and insights, and spend some quality time in fellowship; the group is smaller than 12 and includes a variety of ages. Click here for more information!

Members of the Ruth Circle of UWF

United Women in Faith

JCFUMC is blessed to have Circle Groups under the umbrella of the United Women in Faith (Formerly United Methodist Women). UWF is the largest international denominational faith organization for women. Our mission is to foster spiritual growth, develop leaders and advocate for social justice. Members raise millions each year for programs and projects related to women, children and youth in the United States and around the world. 

Circle Info: Contacts

Rachel Circle: Ann Maxwell & Carol Schmidt

Ruth Circle: Sarah Hamilton


Time: Sundays at 9:00am, Community Room

Beta is an all ages, open discussion group that puts contemporary issues and news events in dialogue with faith. This group will help participants think about how faith might influence our understanding and perception about modern events. Discussions will range from the war in Ukraine, the Missouri legislature, March Madness, gun regulation, immigration, and any other topic that is in the headlines. This is not a group that seeks to convert one's political or social affiliation, but rather a group that intentionally learns to utilize the lens of faith to examine topics we are discussing everywhere else in our culture. No sign up needed - just show up!


Contact: John Cochran or Dave Harris
Time: Sunday Mornings at 9:45am, Room 107 

The majority of class members fall into the 50+ demographic but all ages are welcome.  We are a lively, fun and warm group that welcomes you with open arms! 


Contact: Ann Maxwell 
Time: Sundays at 9:45am, Room 301 

The Odyssey Sunday school class has 25-30 members aged in their 50s-70s.  Members consist of couples as well as singles.  The class leaders rotate monthly.  Lessons are primarily taken from videos of Adam Hamilton’s sermon series at Church of the Resurrection with various other studies alternating between books and other video lessons.  The class has at least two seasonal parties a year.  The primary function of the class, besides in-depth studies, is the friendships, support, and care and concern shown for each other. The Odyssey class is a diverse group, caring for one another in Christian love and fellowship. 

Chancel Choir

Contact: Amelia Padalino  
Location: Choir Room, 101 
Time: 6:30-8:00pm, Wednesdays

The Chancel Choir shares music for the 8:30am Sunday morning worship service along with an annual Christmas Cantata, and other special performances throughout the year. Choir is open to people of all ages. If you love choral music and using your voice to worship, the Chancel Choir is for you!   

Time Out for Seniors

Time Out for Seniors: March-November 2025

Contact: Brett McGowan Location: Room 107 Time: 11:30am, every third Thursday of the month

The Time Out group encourages senior adults to come together for lunch, programs and celebrations. Anyone is invited to schedule an informational program for Time Out, and the church staff will provide a meal, set up and clean up for the day’s program. Sign Up Here or call the Church Office at 573-635-6886.


Contact: Pam Cochran 
Location: Room 109D
Time: 5:15pm, Wednesdays during the school year 

The bell choir welcomes people of all ages to join them in learning to play these precious objects and performing at all four services four times a year. An ability to count to four is essential; ability to read music is helpful, but not necessary.