Baptism Class
Contact: Pastor Trevor Dancer
Thinking about baptism? In the United Methodist Church, we believe that baptism is an important spiritual event in our lives. It marks the moment we say, “Yes,” in a big way to God. Whether you’re a parent curious about baptism for your child or an adult exploring what baptism might mean for you in your faith journey, Pastor Trevor would be thrilled to speak with you!
Discover First
Contact: Pastor Kyrell Newell
If you have been attending JCFUMC and are interested in learning more about this church, the Methodist denomination, and our Christian faith, please join us for a Discover First class. The class is about an hour, usually held on a Sunday after the 10am Worship Service and is an introduction to our church and pastors. We hold these classes quarterly throughout the year.
Contact: Tatenda Garikayi, NextGen Director
Confirmation class introduces seventh graders to Christian and Methodist beliefs and practices in preparation for joining the church. This series of classes teaches the basics of the faith and invites participants to claim the faith as their own.
Contact: Pastor Trevor Dancer or Marylin Durk
Our Pastors, Staff, and Prayer Team would be honored to lift up your concerns, struggles, and joys in prayer. You may write your prayer request on your white attendance card on Sunday morning and place it in the offering basket. For more confidential concerns, please contact Pastor Trevor. To be added to the Prayer Team, email
Contact: Pastor Trevor Dancer or Brett McGowan
Contact: Steve Buchholz
Our pastors, staff and volunteer bereavement teams are available to help you plan services and gatherings to remember your loved one. We are happy to open our facility to host family and friends for visitations, funeral/memorial services and meals.
Good Grief Support Group
Contact: Julie Shiery
Location: Memorial Park (weather permitting) or zoom on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 10am.
The Good Grief Support Group provides support and encouragement in an intimate setting, especially for those who have lost a child or spouse to death.
Resource Library
Contact: Church Office
Location: First floor office area
The Resource Library houses a collection of class materials, books for study, sermon series and other materials for small group leaders, Sunday School presenters, or anyone who is looking for a viable study topic. Topic categories include Christian living, leadership, self improvement, Bible studies and others. Several sermon series DVDs by Adam Hamilton, pastor of the Church of Resurrection in the Kansas City area, are featured in the collection.